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Python |执行并解析 Linux 命令

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-执行和解析-linux-commands/

先决条件:Linux Shell 和 Shell 脚本介绍

Linux 是目前最流行的操作系统之一,也是开发者的常用选择。它受欢迎是因为它是开源的,它是免费的和可定制的,它非常健壮和适应性强。

操作系统主要由两部分组成:内核和外壳。内核基本上处理软件和硬件之间的通信。外壳接受用户的输入或命令,并产生输出。现在大多数 Linux 发行版都使用 BASH 外壳(伯恩外壳)。Shell 命令和脚本非常强大,通常被开发人员使用。

在本文中,我们将研究使用 python 执行和解析 Linux 命令。


子流程是 Python 中的一个模块,允许我们在 Python 中启动新的应用程序或流程。本模块旨在取代 python 中的几个旧模块。我们可以使用这个模块运行其他程序或者执行 Linux 命令。


使用子流程模块中定义的 Popen 函数可以产生一个新流程。它是 Popen 类的构造函数,接受参数来设置新的进程。本模块中的底层流程创建和管理由 Popen 类处理。


  1. The first parameter is a list of commands and their options, if any.
    For example, ['ls', '-l']
    The above example is equivalent to the terminal.


  • The second parameter is the stdout value. it specifies the standard output.
    ex: stdout = subprocess.PIPE
    This indicates that a new pipe or redirection should be created. The default value is
    “None”, which means that no redirection will occur.

    我们可以通过使用通信功能来检索命令的输出。它从 stdout 和 stderr 读取数据,直到到达文件结尾,并等待进程终止。它返回一个包含输出数据和错误(如果有)的元组。


    data = subprocess.Popen(['ls', '-l', filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
    output = data.communicate()

    执行命令的输出存储在数据中。使用这些函数,我们可以执行 Linux 命令并获取它们的输出。


    我们可以使用' ls '命令和选项,如'-l ','-al '等来列出当前目录中的所有文件。然后,我们可以解析这个输出,并以可呈现的格式打印它。get_permissions()函数解析 list 命令的输出,只检索文件的名称及其对应的权限。


    importing libraries

    import subprocess
    import os

    a function to list the files in
    the current directory and
    parse the output.

    def list_command(args = '-l'):

    # the ls command
        cmd = 'ls'

    # using the Popen function to execute the
        # command and store the result in temp.
        # it returns a tuple that contains the 
        # data and the error if any.
        temp = subprocess.Popen([cmd, args], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

    # we use the communicate function
        # to fetch the output
        output = str(temp.communicate())

    # splitting the output so that
        # we can parse them line by line
        output = output.split("\n")

    output = output[0].split('\')

    # a variable to store the output
        res = []

    # iterate through the output
        # line by line
        for line in output:

    # print the output
        for i in range(1, len(res) - 1):

    return res

    parse the output of the ls
    command and fetch the permissions
    of the files and store them in
    a text file .

    def get_permissions():

    # get the output of the 
        # list command
        res = list_command('-l')

    permissiOns= {}

    # iterate through all the rows
        # and retrieve the name of the file
        # and its permission.
        for i in range(1, len(res) - 1):
            line = res[i]

    line = line.split(' ')

    folder_name = line[len(line) - 1]
            permission_value = line[0]

    permissions[folder_name] = permission_value

    # create a directory called
        # outputs to store the output files




    # open the output file
        out = open('permissions.txt', 'w')

    out.write('Folder Name   Permissions\n\n')

    # write to the output file
        for folder in permissions:

    out.write(folder + ' : ' + permissions[folder] + '\n')

        return permissions

    if name == 'main':


    Ping 命令–

    ping 命令代表数据包互联网协议。它最常用于检查两个系统或节点之间的连通性。使用 ping 命令,我们可以检查一个节点和另一个节点之间的连接是否正常。它在两个节点之间交换数据包,并计算往返时间。


    importing libraries

    import subprocess
    import os

    a function to ping given host

    def ping(host):

    # command is pong
        cmd = 'ping'

    # send two packets of data to the host
        # this is specified by '-c 2' in the 
        # args list
        temp = subprocess.Popen([cmd, '-c 2', host], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

    # get the output of ping
        output = str(temp.communicate())

    output = output.split("\n")

    output = output[0].split('\')

    # variable to store the result
        res = []

    for line in output:

    # print the results
        print('ping results: ')
        print('\n'.join(res[len(res) - 3:len(res) - 1]))

    return res

    if name == 'main':

    # ping google



    chmod 命令可用于更改文件权限。它是变更模式的缩写。更多信息可以在这里找到


    importing libraries

    import subprocess
    import os

    functio to change the permissions
    of a given file

    def change_permissions(args, filename):

    # command name
        cmd = 'chmod'

    # getting the permissions of
        # the file before chmod
        ls = 'ls'

    data = subprocess.Popen([ls, '-l', filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

    output = str(data.communicate())

    print('file permissions before chmod % s: ' %(args))

    # executing chmod on the specified file
        temp = subprocess.Popen([cmd, args, filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

    # getting the permissions of the 
        # file after chmod
        data = subprocess.Popen([ls, '-l', filename], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)

    output = str(data.communicate())

    # printing the permissions after chmod
        print('file permissions after chmod % s: ' %(args))

    if name == 'main':

    # changing the permissions of 'sample.txt' 
        change_permissions('755', 'sample.txt')


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